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Frequently Asked Common Questions About CBD Oil

What is water soluble CBD and how does it compare with CBD Oil?

In the nano-emulsification process, CBD is dissolved in a suitable carrier oil which remains liquid at a wide temperature range, including room temperature. The mixture of CBD and oil is blended with emulsifiers. These work at the interface of the oil and water to stabilise the droplet (emulsifiers are also referred to as surfactants, i.e. Surface Active Agents). This oil phase is added to water and mixed to form a coarse emulsion (stabilised droplets of oil dispersed in water). The coarse emulsion is then nano-emulsified with a high pressure emulsifier to create very small droplets (~250nm) which are stable over long periods of time without agglomerating (recombining), creaming (floating to the top) or sedimenting (sinking to the bottom).

Water and oil do not mix, and this also remains true of CBD oil. As a result, when consumed in its normal form, this oil is not as easy for the body to absorb as water is. So, the body will absorb a water soluble CBD easily absorbed which will help deliver the therapeutic effects faster.

The composition of our body is largely water which means that water soluble CBD has a large pool in which to dissolve into. Thus, it has much more bioavailability, how much of the compound actually makes it into the body, than CBD oil. Most put the bioavailability of CBD oil between 13% to 19%. How much bioavailability does water-soluble CBD have? We simply have no studies to say as of right now. What we do know it’s the percentage is considerably higher up to 8x more effective than for traditional CBD oil based on the online reports of enthusiasts.

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